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Tech Fest Preview: Rocking and Rolling with Xaar

The FuturePrint Tech Fest is a celebration of print technology taking place on the 29th-30th June 2021, where experts will provide updates on new technological developments, innovations and stories of how the print technology community is bringing to life new ideas that create new possibilities. We catch up with Renzo Trip, Principal Engineer at Xaar, to discuss what attendees can expect from his presentation, ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll: Direct-to-Shape Inkjet Applications’.

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New Joint Venture Brings Creativity To Life

How about designing your own skateboard or dream shoes to match your outfit? Should a refrigerator be better integrated into the design of the kitchen, or maybe your coffee machine? Isn‘t good design created as close as possible to or together with the end customer? Do standardised manufacturing processes prevent mass customized products?

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Article, homepage Karis Copp Article, homepage Karis Copp

5 Key Considerations for Printing Direct-to-Shape

Digital printing has come a long way since its inception and use for flat surfaces. Although flat substrates still make up the majority of digital printing applications, we are seeing an increase in inkjet’s use to directly image onto finished products in a wide range of sectors. We asked Phil Collins (Director – Advanced R&D) of GIS to tell us the 5 key considerations that need to be taken into account when developing a direct-to-shape inkjet printing solution.

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