Siegwerk: Ink, Heart and Soul

FuturePrint partner Siegwerk is embracing change as the packaging industry continues to adapt to the changing world. As the company puts it, a successful business selling inks and coatings starts with commitment, is created with expertise, and thrives on trust.  

The packaging industry continues to evolve: Less working capital, decreased job lengths and an increased demand for sustainability, individualization of packaging designs and flexibility of processes are constantly leading to new challenges further driving the need for innovations. 

Here, digital printing offers significant benefits due to the capability of coping with short print runs and lead times, Siegwerk is considered a leader in product safety today with a team exclusively dedicated to ensuring that all products are always safe for the end-use application. Thereby, the experts not only run diligent raw material approval processes, but also model, measure and evaluate ingredients. For Siegwerk, the first drop of ink is just the last step in the process. 

Visit their new landing page: or contact Siegwerk directly

Catch up on Siegwerk’s session at the FuturePrint and Pack Summit, ‘Cooperative Technology/Market Development’ by Dr. Thomas Lehnen, here.


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