Inkjet Head Cleaning & Recovery: Smart Solutions in the US

People & Technology (P&T), a Spanish manufacturer of printhead cleaning equipment, ink testers, and specialized printing machinery, along with their U.S. sales and support partner, Graphic Solid Inks (GSI), will be attending the Printing United event in Las Vegas from September 10th to 12th.

The Team at the recent Drupa Show in Dusseldorf.

At their booth (C3191), People & Technology, in collaboration with their EXCLUSIVE NORTH AMERICAN PARTNER, Graphic Solid Inks, aim to showcase their latest technology. They will also share technical expertise to help integrators, machine builders, and ink and coating manufacturers enhance their technical capabilities and advance inkjet technologies.

People & Technology will focus on their printhead cleaning technology and demonstrate how it can reduce waste. They will explain how many inkjet heads can be recovered using their technology. The company continues to emphasize the importance of printhead cleaning through the sale of cleaning machines and associated services, as well as through training and raising awareness about the need to recover printheads. This focus is driven by the significant economic savings for companies and the substantial environmental benefits of recovering printheads.

Martin Brabenec, Director of Business Development at GSI, explains, "Visitors will be able to see first-hand, as we conduct real-time tests, the developmental potential that the INKTESTER platform offers."

"In addition, our star product for this year’s event in Las Vegas is the award-winning SMART CLEANJECTOR," Martin continues.

The launch of the SMART CLEANJECTOR during DRUPA attracted significant attention, as it represents a major advancement in printhead cleaning. We expect a similar reaction in Las Vegas. The SMART CLEANJECTOR has recently been recognized as a crucial piece of technology, winning the PINNACLE TECH Award. Open to all PRINTING United Alliance supplier members, the Pinnacle Product Award competition evaluates products that will be available for sale in 2024. A highly qualified panel of judges from across the printing industry evaluated over 160 entries in more than 58 categories, spanning analog, digital, output, and non-output technologies.

The Smart CleanJector™ provides a detailed visual report of the exact state of each individual printhead nozzle. Users can now determine which nozzles are recoverable—whether obstructed, deviated, or containing air—and which nozzles are beyond recovery. This enables users to decide whether a printhead should be discarded or cleaned and recovered. The equipment also alerts operators when a printhead has reached its maximum recoverability. A new printhead can then be placed in the slot, ensuring maximum cleaning time efficiency.

You can experience this technology at our booth at Printing United, from September 10th to 12th in Las Vegas.

See you at Booth C3191


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