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Ignite Innovation with Ricoh

When times are tough, often new ideas are affected first. Understandably budgets are tempered, and businesses tend to focus on the here and now. While that may make sense, at Ricoh, we believe that the lifeblood of future growth is innovation. If innovation stops or slows, we restrict our growth potential beyond recovery.

So, in order to inspire innovation, Ricoh is inviting innovators to join our Ignite Innovation Programme.

What is Ignite Innovation?

To bring new Inkjet technology to market, a key part of our strategy at Ricoh is to create partnerships with OEM leaders across industry. We want to be part of providing inkjet solutions that make a difference, that solve the right problems.

We understand Inkjet and we know that leading OEMs understand their markets. So, by blending the best of both we optimise our chances of success by creating and applying technologies that create lasting value.

In the tough circumstances most industries and the world in general face right now, there is unprecedented need to rethink and change. There is also a need for extra support and backing in these troubled times, to help creative people and businesses bring their good ideas to life. Ignite Innovation is designed to provide this.

As a potential Ricoh partner in the industrial inkjet quest, applying for consideration for Ignite Innovation, can place your idea further along the line from inception towards reality. How? Along with access to unrivalled expertise and experience with Inkjet, considerable tech and manufacturing support, we will also provide access to key technology on terms that put our skin in the game, sharing risk and the financial burden of development. We want to back good ideas.

But before you consider asking, it is important that you know that we also believe in first principle thinking. We believe by solving the right problem, value is created. Thinking tech first and looking for a chance to use it is not for us. Think problem first, and then tech, as merely a tool to create a solution.

So, if you see a problem you think needs solving and you think Ricoh might have a missing part of the puzzle, if you have a development idea for any industry sector or market that might need any of our tools, inkjet related or otherwise, then start the discussion with us. complete the form!

We do not expect you to explain your idea now. But we would expect to hear what you have in mind via a specially organised confidential conference call which will be recorded to safeguard the ownership of your idea.

NDA’s or any other form of protection for intellectual property can be easily and quickly set-up before we talk, to protect both parties.

Contact us directly and with utmost confidentiality, if you would like to discuss further.