Episode 129 - How to Tell Your Story, With Marcus Timson, FM Future

 In this episode of the FuturePrint podcast, Marcus Timson of FM Future provides some great tips and tricks on how to tell a story for your business. Marcus challenges everyone in the printing industry to inspire and encourage rather than lecture on the changes needed to become more sustainable. Rather than conveying fear and judgement, Marcus believes in the emotional narratives that can motivate change in our industry.

Why not write in to share your thoughts, connect with Marcus on Linkedin or email him at Marcus.Timson@fmfuturenow.com to let him know what you think.


Episode 130 - EFI Nozomi: The Evolution of Digital Single-pass Printing in Corrugated Packaging


Episode 128 - How to Ace Inkjet Recruitment with Dorinda Gibbons, Profile Recruitment