Episode #10 - Inkjet, Digital-Analogic & Solving the Right Problems with Richard Darling, Ricoh Europe

In this episode of the FuturePrint podcast, Marcus Timson talks to Richard Darling, Strategic Business Development at Ricoh Europe, about the importance of reliability and commercial viability taking precedence over doing something new for the sake of it. As a technology led community, do we need to be more commercially focused?

This episode also covers first principle thinking and common sense in inkjet development, as well as seeing Richard draw on his long career in inkjet and inkjet printhead development to outline the innovation in the space, talk technically about the solutions on the market, and discuss inkjet’s future in digital manufacturing.

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Watch Richard Darling’s session at the FuturePrint Tech Fest, Groupthink and the Inkjet Arms Race, here.

Visit the Ricoh Europe website.

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Episode #11 - Head, Inks, Substrates - Don’t Forget the Software! with Martin Bailey, Global Graphics Software


Episode #9 - Flexible Packaging: Trends, Challenges and Sustainable Solutions with Sara Alexander