Episode 91 - FuturePrint 2022 Year in Review

What a year 2022 has been for FuturePrint as the world emerges from COVID. In this episode, Karis Copp talks to Frazer and Marcus as they reflect on the past year discussing the return to in-person events and major industry trends, including sustainability.

Frazer and Marcus also highlight notable themes and talks from the FuturePrint Leaders' Summit in June 2022 and the recently launched FuturePrint TECH: Digital Print for Manufacturing Conference in November 2022.

Stay tuned for part two of this episode as we preview what's to come for 2023!


Episode 92 - Making Sustainability a Reality with Bluetree Group, with Elsie Hargate


Sustainability - Trust, Purpose and Pain, with Steve Lister, HH Global (Ep. 70 Replay)