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Kavalan: Why Should Businesses Embrace LCAs?

As the world confronts the growing climate crisis, nations continue to set ambitious targets to tackle the issue. Ahead of Cop26 UN climate talks this November, the US pledges to halve emissions by 2030, while other rich nations have also announced new goals in recent weeks. Precise and understandable objectives are key to forging a clearly defined path, supported by knowing the figures and closely scrutinising your sustainable progress. Shouldn’t this be how businesses are setting sustainability goals too? For businesses that care about their impact on the planet, the first step is choosing to undergo (and benefit from) a life cycle analysis (LCA).

What are LCAs?

An LCA evaluates the environmental impact of a product from cradle to grave, analysing the sourcing and processing of raw materials, the manufacturing and production processes, transportation and distribution, usage, and disposal. LCAs, first introduced back in the 1990s. are conducted in accordance with ISO14040 and ISO14044 and are performed by a competent certified body. LCAs are the perfect foundation on which to build corporate social responsibility policies and sustainability strategies.

Why should businesses embrace them?

The time has come for businesses to get serious on sustainability. The environmental credentials of brands and businesses is more important to consumers than ever, and with global goals from nations with commitments to slashing emissions becoming even more stringently enforced, businesses with the numbers to back up their green initiatives are in a much stronger position. On top of this, it’s the ethical direction we should all be heading in, regardless of business interests – fighting climate change and protecting our planet is a responsibility we all share.

The life cycle of Kavalan

We couldn’t be prouder of the results from Kavalan’s LCA processes. The esteemed inspection and validation service SGS (formerly Société Générale de Surveillance) has conducted LCAs on the entire range of Kavalan PVC-free, and for those that know about and have used Kavalan, the results won’t be surprising! The process confirmed that Kavalan is the eco-friendly alternative to PVC banner, from its significantly lower carbon footprint and lower water consumption, to its amazing biodegradable film. Kavalan marks the beginning of the green revolution that large format printing has been crying out for. While Kavalan is the first company to successfully complete LCAs on all PVC-Free banner material, as soon as other companies across all sectors start to follow suit and embrace LCAs, we are one step closer to a greener planet.

Do you want to be a step closer to a greener planet? Start by going for Kavalan! Start your sustainable journey at goforkavalan.com.